My Ultimate Over Night Bag

Recently I moved house a little further away from town, work and friends than I’ve been used to. It isn’t walkable and I don’t have a car in England so my options of transport include a bus that only runs for some of the day and only every hour, a taxi that costs more than I earn an hour or very generous lifts from my aunty and uncle. Alternatively, I’ve been staying at my friends and my boyfriend’s houses occasionally as they either live close to town or we are doing the same shifts the following day. So far it hasn’t been too bad and I’ve become a professional over night bag packer. Whether it’s because I’m planning to stay for work purposes or I just want to be prepared in case plans pop up, I have put together a bag that means I’m always ready for anything.


I keep all my toiletries in a big clear mac makeup bag (that I just accidentally ripped the zip off of) and I try to keep the bare minimum and very small bits and bobs because otherwise my bag becomes way too heavy. In this bag I always keep:
  •  a mini pot of coconut oil (for moisturiser)
  • a spare tooth brush (so I don’t have to swap/remember to pack it in and out of my bag all the time)
  • a deodorant stick
  • a mini hair brush & spare hair ties (I always need these)
  • some perfume
  • make up remover wipes (just easier than a cleanser or face wash)
  • a razor (because I’m the worst at remembering to shave and you just never know)
  • a pack of tissues
  • a lip balm (because my lips are always dry at night and in the morning)
  • some pain killer tablets
  • dental floss (which I haven’t used yet but I like the idea of being that type of person)
  • some emergency tampons (because better safe than sorry)

Minimalist Make Up Bag

My usual make up bag is quite large and contains make up that I haven’t used in forever but still like to just keep in there in case I feel like mixing it up one day. I also like to change up what make up I use quite often, but obviously moving around a lot I didn’t want to have to lug around a tonne of make up, so I downsized/minimalized (which is now a word). In this lil make up bag I keep the makeup I wear/use on a day to day basis:

  •  Primer
  • Liquid Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Powder Foundation
  • Eyeliner
  • Eye Brown Kit
  • Mascara
  • Blush
  • Make Up Sponge
  • Powder, Eye Shadow, Eye Brown and Blush Brushes
  • & my beloved Naked Urban Decay Eye Shadow Palette 

Work Stuff

I work quite a lot and the whole idea of this over night bag and staying at people’s houses is so I can get to work. Therefore having my work stuff on me most of the time is essential. I tend to keep a few bits at work permanently so I don’t have to carry an excessive amount of things all the time like my apron, my work shoes and a bag of porridge so I can have breakfast if I’m on the early shift. I do however, have to make sure I always have a uniform and my name badge.

For work we’re allowed to wear trousers or a black skirt and tights. I always go for the latter as it makes it easier to change into normal clothes since I can just bring a top that goes with the skirt and tights. That way I don’t have to pack too many extra clothes like jeans, I can literally just throw in a top or two depending on how many days I’ll be away for. I also tend to keep some pajama pants and a comfy top in there, spare underwear (obviously), a pair of socks, a jumper and my coat (which I’m usually wearing anyway so don’t need to pack).


My bag has a few hidden pockets and spare zippers so I stash some essential bits and bobs in there as well as my over night things including:
  • chewing gum (spearmint and usually a big tub of it)
  • an umbrella (because you almost always need that in this country)
  • my phone charger
  • headphones (incase I’m killing time somewhere and want to listen to music or watch something)
  • keys to my house and to work
  • sunglasses (which is a bit of a joke really)
  • my purse
  • a pen (or more realistically 18 pens that I can never find at home/work when I really need them)
  • a notebook/my mini diary planner (as I always like to be able to write things down when I think of them like ideas or important dates)

Other things like towels and shower stuff my friends/boyfriend let me use at their houses so it makes my bag a whole lot easier to pack and lighter to carry. I also sometimes take less things and bring my laptop since my new house is yet to be connected to the internet and so I may steal people’s wifi in order to watch the newest Game Of Thrones episode.

I never really thought it would be so easy to constantly have an overnight bag and be prepared all the time but so far so good. The key is to pack light and not to over do it. Only take things you need and try to cut down as much as possible. I didn’t want to feel like I had to say no to plans or not be able to do things because I wasn’t prepared/didn’t have anything on me so although the next step is probably going to be getting a car (because it just makes sense) until then I will continue being a little gypsy travelling between loved ones and work and everything in between.
