How To Heal A Sad Soul

Warning: This blog post is slightly on the soppy side as emotion levels are high this week and the maintenance crew have been unable to correct and fix them. Apologies for any cringey moments, read ahead at own risk.

We all have those days where we feel a little bit on the sad side. Maybe not everything is going our way, maybe some things have happened that we didn’t expect or maybe we just feel sad for no reason or over something insignificant. It’s never a nice feeling though and life is way too short to let negative feelings bring you down. A lot of the time you can’t help feeling sad even if you know it’s over something stupid and that can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes the easiest way to deal with feeling sad is to just let it consume you, have a cry, shut yourself away and let it pass, but I’m the kind of person who likes to resolve things as soon as possible. I hate dwelling on sad feelings and letting them win. 
Therefore I thought I’d share with you my top tips on “how to heal a sad soul”:

Soak It
Run a nice, relaxing bubble bath. Use some nice bath salts, bombs, creams and scents to make it extra lovely. Light some candles around the bathroom. Maybe even put on a face mask and just soak your soul until it feels ‘zen’d out and relaxed. Use a nice body scrub and spend ages scrubbing away your worries and fears. Take as long as you want and let yourself enjoy it. Leave your sad feelings in the bath water and watch them be sucked down the drain with the rest of it.

Drown It In Tea
My mother raised me to believe that tea can cure just about anything. That tea has a way of warming you from the inside and making you feel cosy and at home. Tea is even more special when it’s made for you by someone who loves you and has an even stronger, soul boosting power. Tea is the happiness liquid and some argue its good for brain power. 

Feed It
Food always makes me happy. I love food. Food is always a priority. I am always thinking about what my next meal is. The better the food, the better my mood. Usually my go-to cheer up food is chocolate, but I can be equally pleased by a good fry up, a mouth watering steak with garlic mayo and crispy chips, a pepperoni pizza, bangers and mash or literally anything in between. Take me out to dinner for some life changing food and I’ll never frown again (or at least for a few hours). Food always cheers me up (unless I’ve got food poisoning then maybe skip this step). There is also no stronger feeling of happiness when I see the waiter/waitress bringing my food out at a restaurant.

Let All The Dogs Love You
How can you frown around a dog? I just don't think that's possible. Google puppies and try not smiling. Go and see some puppies and attempt to stay sad! They're like these little bundles of joy that just love you unconditionally and just want you around all the time. Their little face licks may be a bit gross but they're still full of love. They are cute and cuddly and loyal and just great! They are 1000000 times better than humans and way cuter. They have no expectations of you, they will just cuddle up with you and if you look sad they're nudge your arm or leg and give you a good old lick/kiss. 

Let In The Lovely Humans

This one is a bit trickier because personally, my mood is hugely affected by other people’s actions and most of the time if I am sad it’s usually due to a shitty human. Unfortunately there have been quite a few shitty humans in my life that have done shitty things and made me a tiny bit cynical towards other humans, which is sad in itself. However, there have always been the exceptions; the lovely human beings who love me for me, put up with me day to day and never fail to cheer me up. Sometimes those lovely humans change as friends come and go, boyfriends love and leave, new people are born and some of our favourite people die. But there are always a handful of people who have your back and will be there for you in tough times. You will always (hopefully) have someone you can call in your saddest moments, and those people (by far) outshine the shitty ones. So if you're feeling sad, give someone a call, have a sleepover with your best friends, go and snuggle your boyfriend or spend some quality time with your family.

Expose It To Sunshine & Salt Water
Getting a good bit of sun on your skin is always a nice feeling. If you live in a country where the sunshine is rare and the ocean is even rarer then I feel for you. I grew up in an Australian beach town where salt water and sunshine were almost daily occurrences.  Sunshine is said to improve your serotonin levels (the bodies natural happy hormone) and boosts your immune system all whilst giving you a golden tan. There's also a thing called SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) where people get depressed in the winter due to lack of sunlight. I've also recently read a quote "the cure for anything is salt water; sweat, tears or the sea" and it makes so much sense. I've always been cheered up by the beach and the sun, a good cry or some hard work that may involve sweating. So if you can afford it and have the time, get yourself a good healthy dose of sea water and sunshine.

There are also lots of things you can do to feel temporary happiness and to distract yourself from feeling sad, but ultimately you are your own key to happiness. These things can help heal your sad soul for a while but at the end of the day only you can make yourself happy.
