2016 Highlights

2016 has come to an end and although it has been quite a busy year, I don't really feel like I've achieved that much. It has definitely whizzed by and felt like one of the quickest years ever! 

The internet agrees that it's been quite a crappy year with stupid decisions such as Brexit, electing Trump, shooting Harambe, and tragic deaths of beloved icons such as Bowie, George Michael, Alan Rickman (I'm still recovering from Snape's death, let alone contemplating it in real life) and so many more. 

But I wanted this to be a positive post so here's some AMAZING things that happened around the world in 2016:
- Child mortality and suicide rates have gone down globally!
- Scientists have had breakthroughs in chemo research and have figured out how to link robot limbs to the part of the brain that moves your body
- The ozone layer is repairing itself!
- Leonardo DiCaprio FINALLY won an oscar!!!
- The population of Tigers has increased for the first time in a 100 years and Pandas, Manatees, Sea Turtles and Humpback Whales are no longer endangered
- 93% of children worldwide learnt to read & write: the highest percentage for a year in history!
- China pledged to be completely renewable by 2020
- Global aid has increased by 7%

So yes there have been some sad times this year, but how can we say it's been the worst year ever when there have been such incredible breakthroughs happening all across the world. I saw a few people focusing on the good that 2016 brought with it and I just think that's the way we should be looking at it.

So instead of focusing on my year as an average one, I wanted to share my highlights with you!

Seeing Adele Live
I have been the biggest Adele fan girl since she released 'Chasing Pavements' however many years ago. As a teenager I cried my eyes out to 'Someone Like You' after a "break up" and one of my first performances as a singer was one of her songs. I think she's incredible and my aunty and I had her CD in the car all year round to sing/scream along with her. Seeing her live was AM-AZ-ING! She sounds just as flawless live as she does on the record and I absolutely swooned the whole performance.

Leaving a club in England at 3am to falling snow
As an Australian, my experiences with snow are very limited. Most english people and people who live in snow are very anti-snow or used to it at least. I was lucky enough to see some snow in Switzerland last year whilst travelling Europe, however I hadn't gotten to see falling snow. So one night out in early January I came out of a club at about 3am in the morning and was EXTREMELY EXCITED to see falling snow! In my slightly intoxicated, crazy state, I actually cried of happiness.

Spending my 21st in NEW YORK CITY
I have wanted to visit New York since I was a baby, and 2016 allowed me to not only visit it but to spend my 21st there! Although it was everything it was cracked up to be, I still had an incredibly surreal time there and absolutely loved it!

Meeting an amazing bunch of people
2016 brought with it some absolute keeper friends! My job introduced me to a really fun and crazy group of people who I enjoyed working and hanging out with immensely! I miss them all still but know most of them will be lifelong friends <3

Getting to know my English family
Moving to England gave me the opportunity to get to know some of my extended family who I never knew as well as I'd like to. It was lovely spending time with them, living with some of them and just being near enough to see them often.

Staying in London with my bestie
My bestie from Australia came to visit me in England and we spent 5 days up in London exploring and just catching up. It was super fun and so lovely to see her.

Brighton Birthday Trip
When I got back from New York, my boyfriend at the time surprised me with a trip to Brighton as he knew how much I was missing the beach and the ocean and although English beaches got nothing on Aussie ones, it was a really fun day spent drinking cocktails, exploring the seaside, playing arcade games on the pier, eating a lush lunch and enjoy the salty air.

Became Costa Manager
After working my butt off at Costa and putting in some ungodly hours, I somehow ended up in a position to take over temporarily as the store manager... the temporary bit lasted a while and although it killed me and was stressful and frustrating at times, I wouldn't change a thing and overall really enjoyed running the store and having my amazing little family/team to support me through it!

Bought 2 cars
Whilst in England I ended up buying a cute little car which cost me an arm and a leg in insurance, but was convenient and very handy to have in the end. It was nice to get some freedom and independence back, even though it occasionally was known to break down. When I returned to Australia however, I decided it was time to grow up and get a REAL car and purchased my first ever BRAND NEW CAR!

Winter Wonderland 
Just before I was leaving England, I decided I really wanted to go to Winter Wonderland as I had gone the year before and practically died of happiness there. CHRISTMAS, food (especially christmasy food), alcohol and fairs/markets are amongst my favourite things so Winter Wonderland ticked all my boxes and I couldn't bear the thought of not squeezing in one last visit before I left. So my gal pals gathered together and very last minute a big group of us had formed and we all hopped on a train to London and had the funnest, most memorable nights.

FINALLY made it to BATH
BATH had been on my to-visit-in-England list since I arrived in 2015. Almost 2 years later I still hadn't quite made it there yet so just like Winter Wonderland, I squeezed it in on one of my last weeks and somehow convinced a very lovely (at the time) boy to take me on a day trip. It was very very rainy and wet but we still had fun and I still got to see it :)

Lovely last Bonfire/Firework night 
Australia hasn't got Guy Fakes/Fireworks/Bonfire night- it's not a thing and one of my favourite things about England were the seasons. Autumn especially, and Guy Fawkes night signals the end of Autumn/the start of Winter. I also LOVE fireworks and bonfires so obviously I was really keen to do something. Another spontaneous trip (they always seem to be the best kind of trips) led me to Bicester Village with two of my close friends to watch fire works, drink hot chocolates, prosecco (not together), check out the epic bonfires, eat hot dogs bigger than our heads and freeze to death in the field. It was a perfect last bonfire night and one I will always cherish.

The J-exit
And last but not least, I returned to AUS! I have missed home a lot and getting back to this sunshine and laid back lifestyle has been lovely. I do quite miss aspects of England, but I am very glad to be back with my fam, my dog, my friends and home. Check out my full video experience of coming home on youtube :) 

So overall it hasn't been quite as horrible a year as it has been made out to be. I have actually achieved quite a bit and most importantly I've had fun doing it. I honestly feel like I blinked and the year was over, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, but some amazing things were experienced and thats all you can hope for from a year at the of the day :)
Let me know some of your 2016 highlights!

J x
