73 Questions

Hi lovely people,
Most of you might have seen the 73 questions series that VOGUE are doing on youtube where they ask a celebrity 73 questions and give you a bit of a personal insight into their lives. I've really enjoyed watching them and found the concept quite interesting and I thought I'd give it a go in blog format because a) I've been feeling a bit uninspired lately, b) It will hopefully be a bit interesting and c) it's something fun that I wouldn't usually post, so why the hell not! It's just a writing style post, and some answers will be very short and sweet and others I will probably ramble on about. Either way, I hope you enjoy :)
  1. Favourite season? I've always found this very difficult to answer because in Australia we don't really do seasons, it's either hot or cold and I've always been super keen for winter to come after a long summer, and eager to see the summer after a cold (or what I thought was a cold) winter. I love getting rugged up in the winter but I'm also a major beach person so love the summer. Since I've lived in England, however, the seasons are all so different and lovely and I think my favourite season would have to be Autumn as I've never experienced one, the colours are lovely and it's not quite cold enough you feel like you're going to die, but you can still wear cute scarves and coats and it's leading up to halloween and christmas. 
  2. Do you like surprises? I LOVE them- especially when it's something someones done for me that they've put a lot of thought into and you can tell that they know me really well.
  3. Best gift you’ve ever given? I think I'm a professional present giver. I always go all out with presents for people and really put thought into them and love making little packages/boxes full of their favourite things or things I know they'll love. My best gift was probably my mums 50th birthday present which was an epic scrap book of her life. I included photos from when she was a kid, when me and my brother were kids, and from all aspects of her life. I included messages and stories from loved ones and old friends and just made it really special. I think she loved it and I loved making it for her. 
  4. Best gift you’ve ever received? My 18th birthday was lovely, my mum got cupcakes made with things I loved on them and she also made me little cards with 18 memories and things about me throughout my life and it was a really thoughtful and cute gift!
  5. Best compliment you’ve ever received? It's funny how compliments are harder to remember than insults. I can remember a lot of nasty things people have said to me, but compliments, whilst lovely to hear at the time, don't always stick as solidly which is quite sad. But one that I was given that has always stuck with me because it was honestly just so lovely was when a boy said to me: "Never lose faith in yourself, you are amazing and one of a kind. My life is better for having met you".  
  6. Your Favourite place in the world? Easy, home.
  7. Favourite plot twist? A book I loved when I was younger that I recently recommended to a friend who saw the plot twist coming was WE WERE LIARS and I just loved the book.
  8. Favourite dessert? I pretty much love all desserts from a good brownie, to a big slice of cake, but I am a sucker for cheesecake.
  9. Cake or Pie? CAKE any day!
  10. Favourite food? I love mostly all food so this one is a tough one! But my favourite food is probably sausages OR pepperoni pizza.
  11. Least favourite food? Cucumber BLEHHHHHHHHHH
  12. Favourite condiment? Ketchup all day any day, I used to eat it with literally everything as a child.
  13. Favourite breakfast food? My auntie and I make these paleo pancakes made from bananas and eggs and have them with yoghurt, berries and maple syrup and it's my saviour.
  14. Favourite colour? I've always said blue was my favourite colour, but clothes wise I've always been very drawn to maroons and dusty pinks.
  15. Blow dry or air dry? I never blow dry my air, I always let it air dry no matter how thick and long it gets or how cold it is outside!
  16. Three things you can’t live without? Love, Good food and Dogs
  17. Last country you’ve visited? America, I went to New York for my 21st
  18. Who would you like to have dinner with, dead or alive? Freddie Mercury!
  19. Iphone or Android? Iphone
  20. Twitter or Instagram? Instagram, I still haven't really figured twitter out
  21. Favourite Animal? DOGS
  22. What are you most looking forward to right now? Dinner (always food really)
  23. What do you miss? Home and my dog
  24. Favourite film? The Parent Trap with Lindsey Lohan haha
  25. If your life was a song what would be the title? I want it all
  26. What’s a book that positively shaped you? the Harry Potter books for sure because it got me into reading, made me want to read, made me want to be adventurous and believe in magic and see the best in people and I think it just had quite a big part of my life if that makes sense, I loved them!
  27. If you could be the best at a sport what would it be? Gymnastics, i'd love to be able to do all those flips and things in the air.
  28. If you could learn a language in a day what would it be? Italian because it's beautiful but probably Spanish because it would be more helpful.
  29. If you could learn an instrument in a day what would it be? Piano!
  30. If you could star in any movie in history what would it be? I'd love to be Hermionie in a remake of Harry Potter haha!
  31. Favourite current tv show? Pretty Little Liars
  32. Favourite tv show EVER? How I Met Your Mother- love that you can just watch any episode ever and just easily watch it
  33. Favourite band of all time? Queen
  34. Favourite dead musician(s)? Freddie!
  35. Favourite living musician(s)? The Red Hot Chili Peppers
  36. Favourite childhood musician? Avril Lavigne 
  37. Favourite app? Instagram
  38. Favourite website? Mine obviously ;)
  39. Most refreshing beverage? Mixed Berry cider (Rekordileg preferably) 
  40. Your go to alcoholic beverage? A Long Island Ice Tea or if I want to get hammered, TEQUILA SHOTS!
  41. Who would you switch lives with for one day? Adele
  42. Puppies or kittens? Puppies always
  43. Next country you want to visit? Croatia
  44. Favourite superhero? Iron Man
  45. If you could have a superpower what would it be? To fly
  46. Biggest fear? To end up alone and with a failed life
  47. A bad habit you wish you could break? Biting my nails
  48. What would be your last meal? Epic hot dogs 
  49. Favourite book? Harry Potter (all of them if thats allowed)
  50. Favourite Disney princess? Ariel
  51. Favourite Disney film? Peter Pan
  52. Bravest thing you’ve ever done? Moved to the other side of the world?
  53. The stupidest thing you’ve ever done? Lied to my parents 
  54. Favourite comedian? Ricky Gervais
  55. Favourite curse word? See You Next Tuesday (sorry mum, it's the Australians that corrupted me)
  56. One cause you are extremely passionate about? FEMINISM !
  57. Favourite family holiday? Hamilton Island in the Whitsundays
  58. What would be your dream holiday? Anywhere on a beach with white sand, clear water and a cocktail in my hand
  59. If you could live your dream life, what would you be doing? Travelling the world, writing about it, writing novels and articles and blogging, being in love and having met someone who shared all my passions and wanted the same things I did, having lots of dogs and being surrounded by loved ones and just being happy (is that a lot to ask?)
  60. What is your favourite pizza topping? Pepperoni!!!!!!
  61. Who is your favourite person in the world? My mum
  62. Favourite holiday/time of year? CHRISTMASSSSSS- I am a fanatic!
  63. What is your biggest regret? I don't think I have any and I'd like to keep it that way. Everything I've ever done has shaped me into the person I am today.
  64. Describe yourself in 3 words? Loyal, Honest (sometimes brutally) and Loving
  65. If your life was a film which actress would play you? Emma Watson please
  66. Are you a morning person? I don't enjoy getting up early but I have a rare talent that most people don't and am able to get up on my first and only alarm. I never snooze when I'm alone and it's a work day, I get straight up and into the shower and once I've showered and woken up I am a cheerful go-getter!
  67. What would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Easy answer- Chocolate. More of a deep answer- Love.
  68. What is your favourite time of the day? Getting home, taking off my bra, curling into bed and just chilling out- that and dinner time.
  69. What was your favourite subject in school? History, I loved it and loved learning about it and even miss it.
  70. When are you happiest? When I'm with the people who I love. I thrive off of other peoples moods and energies and if I'm around positive and happy people who love me then I could never be unhappy.
  71. Do you believe in God? Not in the technical sense, no. I'm not very religious.
  72. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? I'd like to think I'm a realist, but I'm probably more of an optimist and like to see the good in people.
  73. If you didn't have to think about money, what job would you love to do? I would love to be on a holiday show like Getaway or something and get paid to travel the world and experience amazing things and actives in different countries.
