Flying Guide: Top 10 Tips

I've come a long way from relying on my dad's airport navigation skills and holding his hand instead of the passports and boarding passes. Before this year I had never flown on my own, which I assume is quite normal for a twenty year old. I had never travelled on my own and then all of a sudden I was flying solo to the other side of the world and since then, have been on at least eight flights, countless trains and what feels like hundreds of buses.

I still get nervous and stress about whether I've forgotten something important. I still worry about losing my luggage or that the plane might crash, but I think I've developed a helpful knowledge of flying tips that I'm going to share with you in hope of making any flying you plan to do in the future a bit less stressful.

1. Look Into Budget Flights
Always try to book budget airlines if you are in fact, on a budget. Most of the time budget airlines save you a lot of money but you have to look into a few factors: that they fly from an easily accessible airport (sometimes they only fly from airports that are really remote and to get to them costs you almost the same amount of money you were saving by not flying with a better airline), that the cost of hold luggage doesn't cancel out the fact that the flight is cheap and that the airport on the other end of your flight is central to where you want to get to. Budget airlines are called budget airlines because they are cheap and you get what you pay for- small seats, limited leg room, on board entertainment (movies) is rare and the seats won't be the most comfortable. For small trips however, there is no need to waste money on huge seats and the latest movies and meals if you're travelling for an hour or less. Most of the budget airlines are great for short flights, do really affordable deals and are your best option.

2. Book It Right
Book your flight well in advance, the sooner the better! Check prices daily for a few weeks and keep an eye out for the cheapest deal (they often change very quickly and very often). Be flexible with your flying days- often the cheapest days of the week to fly are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and the cheapest times of day to fly are when no one else wants to- late nights or early mornings.

3. Carry-On Luggage
I've touched on this tip slightly in a previous blog post but it's a good one! If you are only going away for a short time try and fit all of your things into a carry-on case. Check your airlines size or weight restrictions on carry-on so you don't turn up with it only to find out you've exceeded the limits. It saves you a whole lot of money (as baggage is sometimes extra on budget airlines) a whole lot of time (waiting to check in or collect your bags from the terminals) and a whole lot of stress and hard work lugging around a huge, heavy suitcase. You can easily find everything and it encourages you to pack light and to leave unnecessary items at home.

4. Bring Something To Entertain You
If your flight is short and sweet you'll only need a book, magazine, some fun internet-free apps or just some music. Something easy that will keep you entertained for an hour or two. If you're on a long haul flight then hopefully your airline provides onboard entertainment whether it's movies, tv shows, music, games, etc. You may also need some additional reinforcements to stave off boredom so consider bringing an iPad or a laptop, a book/kindle or even just try and sleep as much as you possible can (the more time you waste the better).

5. Invest In A Portable Charger
One of the most annoying occurrences whilst travelling is the death of your phone (or other electronic devices) battery. Phones these days can be used for maps (to get you to the airport and wherever you need to go on the other side), clocks and timers (for tracking time zones and flight duration), entertaining yourself (with music and apps), for communication (when you land and need to contact people you're staying with or family) and internet access when available (for doing all sorts of things). So when your phone is running low, it's often an inconvenience and you would rather not spend your day searching for a powerpoint to charge it. Having one you can carry around and that needs a lot less charging is very handy and whilst on a plane especially, takes away the stress of a dead phone.

6. Water & Snacks
There is absolutely no point in bringing water to the airport because it is always confiscated through customs. After customs however, make sure you buy a small bottle of water and definitely pack or buy some snacks. Long haul flights usually feed you quite often and it's included in the price, but budget airlines for shorter trips will have a "snack trolley" and will charge you an arm and a leg for a pack of chips. It's always just easy and a lot nicer (and cheaper) to have your own water and snack stash.

7. A Cardigan/Jacket
It's always smart to bring something warm and easy to pull on or rip off as the temperature on planes are forever changing. It can get very chilly and also very hot, so layers are always a good decision. You also don't know what the weather will be like at either end of your trip, despite what the weather forecast might tell you. It might be hot when you're leaving home and freezing when you land, so bring a back up.

8. The Perfect Plane Bag
Whether you've got a carry-on case or a suitcase in the hold, you are usually able to have an additional small "personal bag" (triple check your airlines restrictions online before hand- I leant the hard way and assuming just makes an "ass out of u and me"). If you are allowed this then what you want to bring is a bag that isn't too tiny or too large, is easy to carry as well as being able to fit what you need inside it (e.g. a book, your passport and important documents, a water bottle of water, your phone, purse/wallet and some snacks). If you want to take a laptop then make sure you've got a bag that can safety hold it and still fit all your other things in it as well (and AGAIN- check how big a bag you're allowed).

9. Comfortable Clothes
Make sure you are comfty! Don't wear heels, leather pants, tight crop tops, 8 layers of makeup and a heap of jewellery. Wear something that you could sleep in (and hopefully will) and wear shoes you can easily slip on and off and that are comfy and warm when they are on. There are ways to be comfortable but still look like a super model, you just have to know how! (side note: bring a neck pillow it saves lives).

10. Know Where To Go On The Other Side!
Make sure you've booked or at least looked at transport from the airport to wherever you are staying BEFORE you leave. Know where you are going, how to get there and how much it's going to cost. Even have a map printed out or directions just in case you don't have wifi or your phone has died (which it shouldn't if you've followed these tips). It'll save you a lot of stress, hassle and time to be organised prior to your arrival.

Hopefully these 10 little tips will make your flying experience all the more pleasant! If you still feel stressed, anxious or worried, try to remember what's waiting on the other side- an amazing holiday, a new place to explore, loved ones or even just a nice hotel room (if you're going to something boring like a work conference). Try to look on the bright side and be grateful that you can travel. I think a lot of people find flying scary, it's not unusual so don't feel like you're the only one. Just remember, no matter your destination or your purpose there, every journey is a new, exciting adventure.
