Whats In My Carry On: 1 Week By The Beach

One thing that really sucks about travelling is definitely carrying around 20+ kilos of luggage all the time from hostel to hostel, bus to bus, train to train, airport to plane, etc. It can be an absolute nightmare. What people also never consider is the waiting time before and after flights to a) check in your luggage and b) wait for it to come out again on the other side. A lot of Australians and New Zealanders travel Europe and use England as their base usually working in the UK whilst saving up for little trips throughout the year. It's definitely a great way to travel if you can do it and although England isn't exactly paradise to live in, it has the benefit of being on Europe's doorstep. Most of us travellers also usually opt for the budget airlines such as Easy Jet, Ryan Air, Wizz Air, etc, and what most people don't realise at first is- you have to pay extra for luggage.

One little trip my boyfriend and I planned was a week long trip to Spain and France by the sea. I decided that since it would be only a weeks worth of mostly summer style clothing, then I would attempt to only take carry on with me. Not only did this save me 20 odd pounds (roughly $40 Australian) but it also saved me so much time and stress. I didn't have to check in my bag, I checked in online and printed my boarding pass so I literally waltzed right through to departures without having to join the huge queue. I also didn't have to stress about my luggage being lost or knocked about. I had a tiny little wheely suitcase with me which was no hassle to wheel around duty free with me. It fit perfectly in the overhead and when we landed in France, I didn't have to join the mad rush of people trying to hunt down their suitcase on the conveyer belt. I had a much easier time wheeling the mini suitcase through France and Spain than I would have had with a huge one, and it also made me pack less which I ALWAYS recommend. The only con to carry on luggage is that you have to take your bag through customs so your liquids have to all be under 100ml. If you're trip is a short one, however, this shouldn't be problem at all. So if you are going on a short trip, a weekend away or a week by the sea, then definitely consider ditching the hold luggage and attempting carry-on only! It will save you lots of money, the airport will be a breeze and the stress will be so much less. 

I thought I would write a little blog post on what I packed in my carry on only trip to give you an idea of the essential items and how easy it can be to do! Obviously going to colder places you would have thicker clothing and it would be harder to fit everything into a carry on case, but when you're doing a weekend away or like me, a beach trip, it's not too hard! Here are my ten essential items:

1. Maximum 2 pairs of swimmers:
You do not need more than two bikinis, swimsuits or pairs of board shorts for a week at the beach. If you're trying to pack light for any trip, two pairs of bikinis are enough. I always pack two different pairs so that I can alternate tan lines and (more practically) have a back up pair for when the first pair is wet/drying.

2. One emergency warm item:
A decent cardigan or light jacket is always a good idea to either wear on the plane or chuck in your bag incase there's a few chilly days or nights. Usually seaside areas get quite windy and the wind is especially cold at night. Also weather can be unpredictable so being prepared is always a good idea. We booked our trip hoping for a week of swimming and sun tanning, only to get mostly cloudy days and rain, so I was definitely glad I had something warm as a back up.

3. Beach Towel
To lay on whilst you soak up the sunshine and to dry the salty seawater off your skin. Go for a light/thin towel as they don't take up as much room or weight in your case and, hopefully, they will dry quickly.

4. Two Pairs of Shoes
One pair of thongs (or flip flops if you aren't a crude Aussie) that can be worn all day at the beach as well as at night if you go out for a meal or want to dress up a little bit. To achieve this, either go for more of a sandal or a neutral coloured thong/flip flop like black or white or grey- something that can be matched to most outfits and not look completely like a casual pair of thongs. Also, one pair of closed in, comfy shoes for walking around during the day, sightseeing, hiking up to beautiful view points, etc. Most beach towns have cobblestones and sand, so wearing and bringing heels with you won't be the best move, especially if you're only carrying a tiny case, and the restaurants in beach side towns really aren't THAT formal. They're either really fancy, or casual and laid back and very much used to beach goers coming and going to eat.

 5. A little back pack/beach bag
It's always handy to have a little bag to carry your things in, whether you're carrying your camera and some water for a day of sightseeing, your beach towel and sunscreen for a beach day or just some emergency tissues, your purse/wallet and other bits and bobs on a casual day out.

6. A camera
If you aim to take some nice photos of videos on your getaway then be sure to pack a camera of some sort. They say that our generation spends too much time recording the moment instead of enjoying and living it, but it really is lovely to be able to look back and relive your memories and the places you've been. You don't have to be taking pictures or filming 24/7, but it's nice to take something just in case you get one of those WOW moments you wish you could capture. Whether it's a Go Pro, a Canon, a digital camera or just your iPhone, I'm sure wherever you go, there will be something worth capturing.

7. Toiletries
Sunscreen: If you're spending a week by the sea, hopefully you're also getting good weather and sunshine to be able to properly enjoy it. Don't forget to protect yourself, because although everyone loves a good tan it can be extremely harmful. Don't let yourself burn- be sun smart and smother yourself in SPF!
Shampoo, Conditioner & Body wash/soap: If you're at the beach a lot, you'll definitely be needing a good wash every night to de-sand & de-salt, but keep in mind that you only have 100ml of liquids per bottle.
Make-Up (minimal): You're spending a week at the beach so you really don't need 8 layers of make up. I brought very basic make up gear and just a little eyeshadow pallet so that during the day I basically went bare and then if we went out for dinner a few nights I could dress up a little. There's really no point bringing lots of make up though, as you won't need it and it's less room in your luggage.
Toothbrush + paste & a razor: Obviously you'll want to brush your teeth, and unless you're going full European you may need to keep some body hair at bay (unintentional beach pun!).

8. Casual beach wear
If the weather forecast is predicting hot weather (which is what you would expect from a beach holiday) then pack for it. Make sure you're not overdoing the outfits and bring some light dresses that can be worn casually on the beach and later be dressed up at night. Bring a few skirts, crop tops, shorts or singlets and don't be afraid of outfit repeating because no one is going to notice. Bring a comfy walking outfit for any sightseeing days if you plan on any, as well.

9. Passport, important documents & the right currency
Triple check you've got all the important documents you need like plane tickets, hotel booking confirmations, photo copies of your passport, etc. You'll obviously need your passport and make sure you keep it in a VERY safe place. Also, depending on where you're travelling, you may need a different currency to what you're used to so be prepared.

10. Phone charger & adapter
I tend to leave my phone behind when I go to the beach because having valuables in your bag means you feel very on edge when leaving it on the beach if you want to go for a swim or something. Unless you're desperate to take some photos for instagram or check yourself in, I'd suggest doing the same. That means your phone shouldn't be too well used, however make sure you pack your phone charger, or a portable charger incase there are no power points handy where you're staying and pack the right adapter (if required) for whatever country or continent you are visiting!
