Just GO

I've always felt very lost growing up, especially during the high school years. I never knew what I wanted to do with my life and to be perfectly honest, I still don't. One thing I was always sure of, however, was how much I wanted to go travelling. I had wanted to travel for as long as I could remember. I used to repost travel photos with the captions "someday". I would envy people who actually got to go travelling and would post photos of themselves next to the Eiffel Tower and of Santorini sunsets. I wanted to see the world but I would always come up with a million excuses as to why I couldn't go... yet. I had to finish Uni, I couldn't afford it, I didn't have anyone to go with, I would miss home, etc.

One day I decided, Uni could wait- I had no idea what I wanted to study or even do as a career so I would only be wasting money and time. It would be there when I got back. I realised I could get a second job and stop going out every weekend and I could SAVE SAVE SAVE! I realised that if I waited for someone to come with me that I would be waiting forever and might never get to go. I realised that I would always miss home but home would also still be there when I got back, home would miss me too and if I never left home I would never grow as a person and I might never find the answers I was looking for. Leaving your comfort zone and testing your limits is sometimes what you really need to find out who you are or who you want to be.

In the end, a friend did come with me for a little bit and I ended up meeting so many new people, one of whom I fell in love with and have been travelling with ever since. I always thought travelling might be pointless or less enjoyable without someone to share it with but you're never going to find anyone to share it with if you sit around waiting for them to find you. You will meet so many people along the way that you will be able to share amazing experiences with and people who will change you as a person. You can't go travelling without meeting people whether it's the love of your life or just lifelong friends. Going alone also allows you to put yourself out there and get to know yourself better. What better person to enjoy and appreciate travelling with than yourself?

I've had a lot of people tell me how lucky I am and how jealous they are that I get to travel and that I've been able to do and see what I have, and I am lucky. Extremely lucky. But it wasn't luck that got me where I am. It was two jobs, long shifts, a whole lot of saving, nights in, emotional break downs, encouragement from myself and loved ones, endless support from my family, but mainly because- I MADE IT HAPPEN. And so can you. 

If you feel lost and unsure of what you want in life and feel this inherent need to travel and to see the world then make it happen. University will be available when you get back. There is no age limit for University and no cut off age for when you're "too old to start your career". Your home will always be there when you back. You are your own road block and your own excuse. The only real reason you can't go is you. You can make it happen if you will it. But only you can make it happen.

So consider this the push you nee and... 

Just go.
